2026: Knowing God (Castlewellan Castle, Northern Ireland; 1-8 August)
Manuel Kuhs
Topic: “Knowing God” (The Attributes of God)
Speakers: Prof. Brian Huizinga & Rev. Ronald Hanko
More details to follow.
Read MoreReview 2, Anna Huizinga
Manuel Kuhs
[This review was first published in Beacon Lights (88:11 November 2022) and is reproduced here with the publisher’s permission]
This past July my family and I had the privilege and pleasure of attending the British Reformed Fellowship Conference in Northern Ireland. The conference brings together believers from throughout the British Isles and all around the world for fellowship in the glorious truths of the Reformed faith. It was a blessed experience that I will always look back on with fond memories, especially because of all the wonderful people I was able to meet.
This year there were 105 people attending from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Northern Ireland, Norway, Singapore, the United States, and Wales, with about one-half of the attendees coming from the PRCA. The conference has been meeting every two years since 1990, although the 2022 conference was the first since 2018 due to the COVID pandemic. We gathered this year in the Castlewellan Castle Christian Conference Center, an old, majestic castle located in the city of Castelwellan, Northern Ireland.
The conference began on Saturday, July 9, and concluded the following Saturday, July 16. My family and I departed the US on Friday, July 8, and arrived in Dublin, the capital city of the Republic of Ireland, early the next morning. We were some of the first to arrive at the castle. Throughout the day, more and more people gradually trickled in, and by evening the anticipated event officially began with a welcome speech by Rev. Angus Stewart, pastor of Covenant Protestant Reformed Church (CPRC) in Ballymena, Northern Ireland.
The conference consisted of meals together, morning and evening devotions, lectures on a specific theme, day trips exploring parts of Northern Ireland, and free time to rest and fellowship with other saints. The day trips included visits to historical sites, monuments, ruins, a luxurious estate, and local towns. Throughout the week there was plenty of free time at the castle to get to know people, take walks around the castle gardens or lake, play football (soccer), take pictures, head to town for shopping or treats, rent paddleboards and kayaks, or just enjoy leisure time together. All week long there was a contest for who could speed-walk around the lake the fastest. Throughout the conference we all enjoyed many conversations and lots of laughing, sometimes late into the night.
The heart of the conference consists of lectures delivered by speakers invited by the BRF. This year Prof. Engelsma, my dad (Prof. Huizinga), and Rev. Stewart spoke. Every conference has a theme for the speeches, and this time it was “Union with Christ.” On the opening evening, Rev. Stewart gave the introductory speech on Psalm 56 as the Psalm of Union. Dad preached twice in the castle on Sunday. Then throughout the week Prof. Engelsma spoke on our union with Christ in the covenant and our union with Christ in his death, while Dad spoke on our union with Christ in election and in his resurrection. All week long we were all uplifted to learn of all the wonderful benefits of our glorious union with Jesus Christ.
While all the speeches were extremely beneficial for us spiritually and doctrinally, the final two impacted everyone in a different way because of their specific application to the sin of abuse. Prof. Engelsma's final speech was on the topic of “Union and Marriage,” in which he focused on abuse in marriage because it is such a prevalent issue. He also made applications that were good for us to hear as young people when we consider dating and marriage. The final speech was by Dad, and it was titled “Union and the Antithesis.” He used the imagery of the great statue of man and the stone that was cut out of a mountain without hands in Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 2. The spiritual truth is that Christ is represented by the stone and seeks to destroy the kingdoms of men. Since we are in union with Christ, we too must be opposed to all of the wickedness of the kingdoms of men. He made specific application to what he called the abomination of sexual abuse and explained how the church, if she will be faithful to Christ, must view and treat this great evil.
We also grew spiritually during the morning and evening devotions. Devotions were held in the main assembly room, and various men attending the conference would take turns leading. They read a passage from Scripture, often added some comments and reflections, and then we sang. The Covenant Protestant Reformed Church does not use the same Psalter that we do in the PRCA. Instead they sing from a metrical book of Psalms with no musical accompaniment. Mr. Crossett, a member of the congregation, was usually the one to lead. He would start singing and we would all join in. Sometimes the tunes were unfamiliar and because the songbooks only had lyrics, it took us a few verses to get used to the tune. It was amazing how many unfamiliar tunes were well-known by the end of the week.
After the conference concluded on Saturday, most people traveled north to somewhere close to Ballymena so that we could worship in the CPRC on Sunday, July 17. Dad preached once, and Rev. Allen Brummel, who was attending the conference with his wife, preached the second service. Some of us split up and spent the afternoon at the homes of members of the CPRC, while others stayed at church and enjoyed lunch together. My family and I had lunch and enjoyed fellowship with many others at the Stewarts’ house.
Several aspects of the conference made a lasting impact on me. The very best part of the whole trip was making new friends with people of various ages and from different countries who all share a spiritual bond in Christ. Being together was so delightful and it was difficult to say goodbye. I pray that someday many of us may be able to meet again. Worshiping in our sister church was definitely a highlight for my whole family. It is so easy to take church unity for granted, but after attending this conference, I now understand and better appreciate the blessing of having sister churches throughout the world. I am very thankful to God for the opportunity to attend the conference and meet the saints in Northern Ireland and many other believers from around the world. I will forever remember this conference as one of the best weeks of my life!Being united to Christ is the wonder of our salvation, and being united to him with so many others makes this truth even more special.
Anna is a senior at Covenant Christian High School in Walker, MI. She attends Grandville Protestant Reformed Church with her family.
Review 1, Lori Schipper
Manuel Kuhs
On July 9, 2022, a beautiful Saturday afternoon, 105 saints from all over the world gathered at Castlewellan Castle Christian Conference Centre in Northern Ireland for the sixteenth BRF Conference. It had been four long years since the BRF had met. Covid and restrictions in 2020 and 2021 had made it impossible for the conference to be held.
What a beautiful venue! The castle was built in 1856, and its beautiful, original woodwork can be seen throughout. The castle sits on 1,100 acres, overlooking a beautiful lake with a walking path around it. The grounds also contained a beautiful garden, arboretum, and maze. A short walk to the town of Castlewellan was also possible for necessities and snacks.
Rev. Angus and Mary Stewart and the BRF committee did an amazing job of organizing and keeping the planned events on time. Rev. Stewart’s knowledge of history and dates kept us entertained on the two bus tours.
On Monday we visited Mount Stewart House, a beautiful mansion with a surrounding garden and walking paths. On Wednesday we explored the Dundrum Castle ruins, which were built somewhere around the beginning of the thirteenth century. We also saw a monument of Robert Ross, an Irishman, who reportedly burnt the U.S. White House down in 1814 during the 1812 war. The Irish are quite fond of this; however, Americans, not so much!
Prof. David Engelsma and Prof. Brian Huizinga were the speakers for the conference. What a timely subject was chosen—Union with Christ.
Rev. Stewart had the welcome and opening speech on Saturday, July 9. He spoke on Psalm 56—the Psalm of Union with God. Prof. Huizinga led our worship services on Sunday. His morning worship sermon was “Our Changeless Jesus Christ” (Heb 13:8) and his evening text was John 1:29—“The Lamb of God Come.”
On Monday Prof. Engelsma addressed the group on our Union with Christ. On Tuesday, Prof. Huizinga addressed us in the morning on Union and Election, and Prof. Engelsma addressed us at night on Union with Christ’s Death. Rev. Stewart addressed the group on Wednesday evening on John Calvin on Union with Christ. Prof. Huizinga addressed us on Thursday evening on Union with Christ’s Resurrection. Prof. Engelma spoke on Union with Christ and Marriage on Friday morning and Prof. Huizinga gave the last address on Friday evening with the topic of Union and the Antithesis.
What a wonderful week to hear faithful men of God expound to us the meaning of our union with God in Christ! What assurance we have knowing Christ is in us, and we are in Christ. We are one body with many members, dead in sin, and separated from Christ unless He sends His Spirit into our hearts. All of our salvation flows out of God’s will. Because of Christ’s death on the cross, we are declared righteous. Our old man of sin is crucified with Christ. “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Gal 2:20).
The recordings of the speeches are available at
The week ended much too soon on Saturday morning July 16.
A special thanks to the saints of the BRF who plan and arrange these conferences. Much time and hard work goes into this.
Saints from Norway, Singapore, Brazil, U.S., Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Australia, and the Philippines attended. What amazing stories we heard from some of them, as they described how the Lord led them to the Reformed faith. We must pray for those who are alone in their Reformed faith in a country that despises Christians.
As this was to be Prof. Engelsma’s last conference, it was a sad parting. He faithfully attended all prior conferences and has many dear friends and saints whom he has grown to love and who love him. It will be very difficult to imagine him not addressing the conference again. We thank him for his faithful and God-honoring speeches. The Lord willing, we welcome Prof. Huizinga and Rev. Ron Hanko as speakers of the next Conference in 2024 to be held in Wales.
Lori Schipper (Grandville, MI PRC)
"Union with Jesus Christ" (N. Ireland, 2022)
Manuel Kuhs
Welcome & Opening Address
Sunday Services
Conference Speeches
2024: Eschatology (Cloverley Hall, Shropshire, England; 3-10 August)
Manuel Kuhs
Topic: Then Comes the End: The Reformed Doctrine of Eschatology
Date: 3-10 August 2024
Venue: Cloverley Hall, Shropshire, England
Topic: Eschatology
Prof. Brian Huizinga
Rev. Ronald Hanko
Full programme available here.
Main Speeches:
1. The End That Is Coming (Prof. Brian Huizinga)
2. The Day of the Lord in the Old Testament (Rev. Ron Hanko)
3. The Antichrist in Daniel 8 (Prof. Brian Huizinga)
4. The Battle of Armageddon (Rev. Ron Hanko)
5. The Final Resurrection (Rev. Ron Hanko)
6. The New Heavens and New Earth (Prof. Brian Huizinga)
Historical Lecture
"The Venerable Bede and His Commentary on Revelation" by Rev. Angus Stewart
Bede (672/3 – 26 May 735), also known as the Venerable Bede, was an English monk and an author and scholar. He was one of the greatest teachers and writers during the Early Middle Ages, and his most famous work, Ecclesiastical History of the English People, gained him the title "The Father of English History." He served at the monastery of St Peter and its companion monastery of St Paul in the Kingdom of Northumbria of the Angles.
2022: (Rescheduled from 2020/2021) Union with Jesus Christ (Castlewellan, Northern Ireland; 9-16 July, 2022)
Manuel Kuhs
As usual, we plan to publish the conference speeches as a book.
"The Reformed Family - According to the Word of God" (Wales, 2018)
Manuel Kuhs
Main Conference Addresses:
1. The Divine Origin of the Family (Rev. A. Lanning)
2. The Authoritative Content of the Gospel (Prof. D. Engelsma)
3. The God-Fearing Man and His Virtuous Wife (Rev. A. Lanning)
4. The Reformed Family: Parents and Children (Prof. D. Engelsma)
5. It Is Good to Be Single (Rev. A. Lanning)
6. Unbiblical Divorce and Adulterous Remarriage: A Scandal (Prof. D. Engelsma)
Saturday evening
Introductory speech: Rev. M. McGeown
Sunday services
AM: The God of the Living (Matt. 22:23-33) - Rev. A. Lanning
PM: Eunuchs Keeping the Sabbath - Rev. A. Stewart
Special lecture: Spousal Abuse in the Christian Community (Prof. D. Engelsma)
A Review: "The 2016 BRF Conference in Northern Ireland"
Gary Lanning
2018: "The Reformed Family—According to the Word of God" (Hebron Hall, Wales; 21-28 July)
Manuel Kuhs
Where: Hebron Hall, Cardiff, Wales
When: 21-28 July, 2018
6 Main Conference Addresses:
1. The Divine Origin of the Family (Rev. A. Lanning)
2. The Authoritative Content of the Gospel (Prof. D. Engelsma)
3. The God-Fearing Man and His Virtuous Wife (Rev. A. Lanning)
4. The Reformed Family: Parents and Children (Prof. D. Engelsma)
5. It Is Good to Be Single (Rev. A. Lanning)
6. Unbiblical Divorce and Adulterous Remarriage: A Scandal (Prof. D. Engelsma)
Read More"Behold, I Come Quickly: The Reformed, Biblical Doctrine of the End" (Castlewellan Castle, 2016)
Manuel Kuhs
The Second and Quick Coming of Jesus Christ (as Indicated by the Signs) - Prof. D. Engelsma
The Reformed Belief concerning Rapture and Antichrist - Rev. A. Lanning
The Coming World-Conquest of the Beast from the Sea - Prof. D. Engelsma
Jesus' Coming as a Thief in View of Abounding Lawlessness and a Great Apostasy - Rev. A. Lanning
Review of the 2014 BRF Family Conference by a Young Adult from Singapore
Lisa Ong
This article was first published in Salt Shakers, a bi-monthly magazine published by the youth of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, Singapore. It is reproduced here with permission. The author of this article, Lisa Ong, is a member of that church.
This year from 26th July to 2nd August, I was given the privilege to attend the British Reformed Fellowship Conference. The theme was “Be Ye Holy (1 Peter 1:16): The Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification” and the main speakers were Prof. Herman Hanko and Prof. David Engelsma.
Held every two years, the BRF Conference is a spiritual treat for people in the British Isles (England, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland, Wales), America (USA and Canada), and more recently, continental Europe (Hungary) and Asia (Singapore!). All in all, there were eight countries were represented by 126 attendees at Gartmore House, Scotland. No hostile negotiations took place, only sweet fellowship and the partaking of God’s Word.
It was my first time going halfway around the world alone. I waved goodbye to friends and family who saw me off, and catching the last glimpse, I felt ambivalently adventurous and apprehensive. Thankfully, I reached the Conference site without any hiccups. Yet, being in a new setting, there were some things I had to adjust to over the eight days at the conference.
1. The chilly (about 10-15°C) and occasionally damp weather, even though it was summer! Although it rains quite frequently in Singapore, the environmental temperature seldom goes below 23°C. Nevertheless, the fellowship was very warm in contrast to the weather. I fondly recall the moments when I had hour-long conversations with other ladies on the bus to/from day trips; there were just so many things to talk about – the different cultures, raising children, struggles in the Christian life and so on.
2. The time difference between Singapore and Scotland, together with the 17-hour daylight (4:30AM to 9:30PM). It was all the better; there were longer waking hours to enjoy the communion of the saints. At 10:00PM every night, except on Saturday, the night was young for the young at heart as they sang Psalters in parts and participated in social games – Murderer and Psychiatrist (you have to attend to find out what this is!).
3. Being away from family and church in Singapore. But there was no other better place than to be with Christ’s family gathered from different nations. I had a blessed time with Prof. Hanko and Aunty Wilma, and Prof. Engelsma and Aunty Ruth, the spiritual grandparents to many young people. Also, I bunked with two sisters in Christ—Stephanie Adams (USA) and Christina Perkins (England)—we were a multi-continental sisterhood.
4. Getting to know the hundred odd persons I was meeting for the first time. (Thanks to the organisers for nametags, they were really helpful for the first few days!) It was remarked that the BRF Conference is a foretaste of the fellowship in Heaven, where people of different lands gather to worship and praise God. Although I was meeting almost everyone for the first time, yet due to our common love for God, we were no strangers. It was a special experience.
5. Drinking in the beautiful sights and sounds of Scotland, which are so different from the city concrete-jungle of Singapore. Big thanks again to the organisers for the five day-trips to Loch Katrine, Edinburgh, Stirling, St Andrews and Loch Lohmond. I was constantly mesmerised by God’s creation and got to appreciate the sites of Reformation History. This appreciation was reinforced by the speeches Pastor Stewart gave on John Knox and James Fraser.
6. Playing badminton almost everyday and participating in the European league futsal (Northern Ireland vs. the Rest). I gladly adapted to this as I enjoy sports and not to mention, my futsal team won! Plus, sports were a great way for me to break the ice as I was a newcomer.
7. Scottish food is obviously different from the Singaporean diet. Although I missed my Singaporean food very much, I was content with fresher milk that Scotland offered. This is not surprising, given that cows are next-door neighbours to many Scots. By any means, the sincere milk of the Word was even more desirable. Through the speeches, I learnt what it means to be sanctified—to be consecrated to God by the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 1). One must not confuse sanctification with justification, whereby God declares that we have no sin, for instance when God said “(I have) not beheld iniquity in Jacob” in Numbers 23:21. Sanctification comes after justification as we are able to do good and live lives consecrated to God only if we have been declared righteous by God.
There is a danger in confusing the order of sanctification and justification. One example is the Roman Catholic belief that sanctification is prior to justification; thus man is able to do good and earn his justification. To understand the relationship between sanctification and justification rightly, we must acknowledge that the sin of Adam, Man’s federal head, was passed down to all men and killed them all spiritually. But when Christ, the federal head of His people, died to redeem them from their sins, He made them legally righteous before God and sends the Holy Spirit to sanctify them (Romans 5: 12-19).
Yet, sanctification is a work-in-progress in this life due to our fleshly nature (Galatians 5:17) and our battle against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). This causes our sanctification to be a painful process. However, this will make us grow more sincere in prayer for thee forgiveness of sins and all the more yearn for Heaven. Furthermore, Romans 8 encourages us to endure in fighting against sin as the enemy will be overcome. This victory is certain because it is not dependent on us, but Christ has won the battle over death and sin for us. We can experience blessed communion with God forever. What a comfort!
Looking forward, the next conference will be held at Castlewellan Castle, Northern Ireland, from 16th to 23rd July 2016. The theme is “Behold, I Come Quickly”: The Reformed, Biblical Truth of the End, and the main speakers are Prof. Engelsma and our very own beloved Pastor Lanning.
I have told some of the BRF Conference attendees (all non-Asians), to come to the churches in Singapore and the Philippines in one trip to South-East Asia, and if possible to attend CERC’s church camp. Likewise, I hope that we Singaporeans can do the same: attend the Conference and travel the Irish Isles, and worship and fellowship with the saints in Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Northern Ireland, and the Limerick Reformed Fellowship in Ireland. This way, we can have more opportunities to enjoy the wonderful catholicity of the church of God.
So come 2016, I strongly urge members of CERC to consider seriously their attendance at the BRF Conference—keep the dates free, start saving money, and express interest promptly when registrations open. Let us desire to learn about the end times and fellowship with the saints from this part of the world.
2016: "Behold, I Come Quickly: The Reformed, Biblical Truth of the End" (Castlewellan, Northern Ireland; 16-23 July)
Manuel Kuhs
Conference programme now available here!
When: Saturday 16 - Saturday 23 July 2016
Where: Castlewellan Castle, County Down, Northern Ireland
Read More"Be Ye Holy: The Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification" (Gartmore House, Scotland, 2014)
Manuel Kuhs
"Zealous of Good Works" (Rev. Martyn McGeown)
Main Speeches
“The Divine Work of Sanctification” (Prof. Engelsma)
“Sanctification and Justification: Relation and Differences” (Prof. Hanko)
“The Role of the Law in Sanctification” (Prof. Engelsma)
“The Imperfection of Sanctification in This Life” (Rom. 7) (Prof. Hanko)
“The Threat of Antinomianism” (Prof. Engelsma)
“The Victorious Christian Life” (Prof. Hanko)
Lord's Day Sermons
- "The Calling to Work Out Our Own Salvation" (Prof. Hanko)
- "Only the Holy Shall Inherit the Kingdom" (Prof. Engelsma)
Special Lectures
- "John Knox: Scotland's Reformer" (Rev. Angus Stewart)
- "A Scottish Classic on Sanctification: James Fraser of Alness' 'Explication' of Romans 6:1-8:4" (Rev. Angus Stewart)
"Ye Shall Be My Witnesses" (Lorne House, Northern Ireland, 2012)
Manuel Kuhs
MP3 Audio Files:
1 Declaring God's Glory Among the Gentiles - Rev. Angus Stewart
2 By the Spirit of the Lord - Prof. Herman Hanko
3 The Martyr Church's Witness to the Ascended Lord - Prof. David Engelsma
4 The Divine Calling to Witness - Prof. Herman Hanko
5 The Content of the Witness - Prof. David Engelsma
6 The Official Witness of the Church - Prof. Herman Hanko
7 The Personal Witness by the Word - Prof. David Engelsma
8 The Personal Witness of a Godly Life - Prof. Herman Hanko
9 The Manner of a Christian Witness - Prof. David Engelsma
Mission Work: Message and Methods - Rev. Martyn McGeown
"The Word of God for our Generation" (Hebron Hall, Wales, 2010)
Manuel Kuhs
6 Towards a One-World Government - Prof. Herman Hanko
5 The Sexual Revolution - Prof. David Engelsma
4 The Reformed Believer and Money - Prof. Herman Hanko
3 The Abolition of Truth - Prof. David Engelsma
2 The Organic Development of Sin - Prof. Herman Hanko
1 The Reformed World and Life View - Prof. David Engelsma
The Unbreakable Scripture - Prof. David Engelsma
Cleanse Yourselves as God's Covenant Children - Prof. Herman Hanko
Special Lecture: The Preservation of the Text of Scripture [notes] - Dr. David Allen
"The Work of the Holy Spirit " (The Share Centre, N. Ireland, 2008)
Manuel Kuhs
7 Special Lecture on Charismaticism - Rev. Angus Stewart
6 The Holy Spirit and the Church - Prof. Herman Hanko
5 The Holy Spirit and Assurance - Prof. David Engelsma
4 The Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth - Prof. Herman Hanko
3 The Holy Spirit and the Covenant of Grace - Prof. David Engelsma
2 The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit - Prof. Herman Hanko
1 The Person of the Holy Spirit - Prof. David Engelsma
"The Five Points of Calvinism" (Cloverly Hall, England, 2006)
Manuel Kuhs
6 Preservation of the Saints - Prof. David Engelsma
5 Irresistible Grace - Prof. Herman Hanko
4 Total Depravity - Prof. David Engelsma
3 Particular Redemption - Prof. Herman Hanko
2 Sovereign Predestination - Prof. David Engelsma
1 The History of Calvinism - Prof. Herman Hanko
"Keeping God’s Covenant" (High Leigh, England, 2004)
Manuel Kuhs
6 Keeping God's Covenant and the Antithetical Life - Prof. Herman Hanko
5 Keeping God's Covenant and the Exercise of Discipline - Prof. David Engelsma
4 Keeping God's Covenant in the Home - Prof. Herman Hanko
3 Keeping God's Covenant in Marriage - Prof. David Engelsma
2 Keeping God's Covenant in the Church - Prof. Herman Hanko
1 The Covenant We Must Keep - Prof. David Engelsma
"The Antithesis" (Ballymena, N Ireland, 2003) Mini-Conference
Manuel Kuhs
3 The Antithesis and the World - Prof. Herman Hanko
2 The Antithesis and the Truth - Prof. Herman Hanko
1 The Idea of the Antithesis - Prof. Herman Hanko