Several BRJ articles have been translated into different languages. These are listed below. There are translations into:
In addition, some of the BRF’s books and pamphlets have also been translated:
Union with Christ (“Foreword” in Portuguese, complete translation in Polish.)
Ye Are My Witnesses (Hungarian)
The Reformed Worldview (Polish, Russian, Afrikaans, Indonesian)
Baptism: Meaning, Mode & Subject (Dutch, Italian, Polish and Portuguese)
Five Points of Calvinism
Keeping God’s Covenant (Burmese, see Digests 12-25, one chapter in Portuguese)
If you are interested in doing some translation work for the BRF, please contact Mary Stewart.
Translated BRJ Articles
Translated, French, Polish, Italian, Indonesian, Macedonian, Korean, scripture, Spanish
Angus Stewart
The Doctrine of Scripture
Translated, French, Polish, Italian, Indonesian, Macedonian, Korean, scripture, Spanish
Angus Stewart
Translated, French, Polish, Italian, Indonesian, Macedonian, Korean, scripture, Spanish
Angus Stewart